Ferentillo | Gabbio

The Chinese Way

Via esportiva


Encadenaments de The Chinese Way

Més vies a Ferentillo

Zizzania (2 encadenaments) Ferentillo Mummie 6a+
Senti chi parla (9 encadenaments) Ferentillo Balcone 7b
L'ombra del sole (2 encadenaments) Ferentillo Balcone 6a+
Missing (6 encadenaments) Ferentillo Balcone 8a
Chicos (2 encadenaments) Ferentillo Lu Strittu 6b+
Troppa Informazione (4 encadenaments) Ferentillo Gabbio 7b+
La route du Rome (8 encadenaments) Ferentillo Balcone 7b+
Tex mex (5 encadenaments) Ferentillo Gabbio 6a+
Sussi e birbissi (3 encadenaments) Ferentillo San Lorenzo 6b
Tecnica e tigna (2 encadenaments) Ferentillo 6b