Albenga | Erboristeria


Sport route


  • Albenga
  • Erboristeria
  • 7c+

Ascents of Guarana

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Cristoforo Colombo (2 ascents) Albenga Terminal 7a
La folle speranza (3 ascents) Albenga Terminal 6c
Noko Goes To Hollywood (3 ascents) Albenga Erli 7b
L'Essere E Il Nulla (3 ascents) Albenga Terminal 6c+
Hebe (3 ascents) Albenga Erboristeria 7a
Scilla (3 ascents) Albenga Erboristeria 7a
Chiang Kai Chek (4 ascents) Albenga Terminal 7b
Daiano (2 ascents) Albenga Ippodromo 6b+
Tuono (7 ascents) Albenga Emisfero 6b