Albenga | Terminal


Sport route


  • Albenga
  • Terminal
  • 6c+

Ascents of Orly

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Meridiani (2 ascents) Albenga Emisfero 7b
Tormentilla (3 ascents) Albenga Erboristeria alta 6c
Hebe (3 ascents) Albenga Erboristeria 7a
Seneca (3 ascents) Albenga Colosseo 7a
Newark (2 ascents) Albenga Terminal 6b+
Nepenta (2 ascents) Albenga Erboristeria 8a
Barnum (2 ascents) Albenga Il Circo 7a
Noko Goes To Hollywood (3 ascents) Albenga Erli 7b
Chiang Kai Chek (4 ascents) Albenga Terminal 7b
BellaDonna (4 ascents) Albenga Erboristeria 7a+