Crepe d Oucera |


Sport route


Ascents of Tequila

More routes in Crepe d Oucera

Whisky and soda (2 ascents) Crepe d Oucera Magica 7a
Tipa al Top L1+L2 (3 ascents) Crepe d Oucera Basse 6b
Latte acido Dx (2 ascents) Crepe d Oucera alte 6c
Magica Armonia (2 ascents) Crepe d Oucera Magica 7c
Tequila Gold (3 ascents) Crepe d Oucera alte C 7a
Finta di niente (2 ascents) Crepe d Oucera Basse 6a+
fluido magico (2 ascents) Crepe d Oucera Bassi 6b+
Busillis (8 ascents) Crepe d Oucera Bassi 6b
spirito di patata (2 ascents) Crepe d Oucera 6a+
Ostrega che mona (3 ascents) Crepe d Oucera 6b+