Erto | Big


Sport route


  • Erto
  • Big
  • 6a+

Ascents of Pensionati

More routes in Erto

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Pip crash (29 ascents) Erto 6c
Manolesta (26 ascents) Erto 7a+
Stunt Man (3 ascents) Erto No Big 4c
Fumogena (5 ascents) Erto 7c
La Passera scopaiola (40 ascents) Erto BIG 6c
R.e.m. (5 ascents) Erto 7b+
The mission (16 ascents) Erto 7a
muveive (7 ascents) Erto 8a
Tucson (6 ascents) Erto 8a+