Garda | Gaium

After 9

Sport route


  • Garda
  • Gaium
  • 7c+

Ascents of After 9

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Linea blu (8 ascents) Garda 7b+
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Ultimo tentativo L1+L2 (9 ascents) Garda Parete dei sogni 7c+
Superbeppe (7 ascents) Garda Garda bassa (metoga) 6c
Allungo Bislungo (13 ascents) Garda Metoga 6c
Muro Grigio (14 ascents) Garda Garda bassa (metoga) 6a+
Free Hawk in the sky (6 ascents) Garda Parete dei sogni 7c
Ultimo tentativo L1 (4 ascents) Garda Parete dei sogni 6b+
otto (2 ascents) Garda 6b