Grotti | Grotti Bassa


Sport route


  • Grotti
  • Grotti Bassa
  • 7b+

Ascents of Oblivion

Pictures of Oblivion

More routes in Grotti

Requiem (4 ascents) Grotti Alta 7b+
Ricordati di me (2 ascents) Grotti Alta 7a
Underworld (2 ascents) Grotti 8a
El Grinta (13 ascents) Grotti 6c
La froceria (5 ascents) Grotti 7b
Gaucho (8 ascents) Grotti 7a+
Valla a falla (2 ascents) Grotti Bassa nuovo settore 6c+
Viva Gimbo (4 ascents) Grotti Erotica 7a
Il corpo di Cristo (2 ascents) Grotti Alta, Erotica 7b
Capelloni perduti (2 ascents) Grotti Alta 6c