Grotti | Deposito

Paperinik And The Black Page

Sport route


  • Grotti
  • Deposito
  • 7b

Ascents of Paperinik And The Black Page

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Requiem (5 ascents) Grotti Alta 7b+
Mondo Meschino (7 ascents) Grotti Paretone 6c
Nine Songs (2 ascents) Grotti Diabolika 7b
Falangi d' acciaio (2 ascents) Grotti Curva 8a
Il sale della terra (3 ascents) Grotti Diabolika 6c
Scirocco caldo (2 ascents) Grotti Basso 6c
Allegria (2 ascents) Grotti Bassa nuovo settore 6b+
Ancora (3 ascents) Grotti Grotti alta 6a+
Grigio Pirla L1 (6 ascents) Grotti Alta 7a+