Chulilla |

The Kessel Run L2

Voie sportive


Ascensions de The Kessel Run L2

Plus de topos à Chulilla

Las Caquitas de Nazarten (7 ascensions) Chulilla Algarrobo 7b
Magnetorresistencia gigante (2 ascensions) Chulilla Oasis 6b+
Nibelungalos (5 ascensions) Chulilla Algarrobo 7c
Sendero sinuoso (11 ascensions) Chulilla Oasis 7a+
Plan Z dos (5 ascensions) Chulilla Oasis 7a
Top of the rock (12 ascensions) Chulilla oasis 7a
El Gran Dinosaurio Blanco (2 ascensions) Chulilla Cañaveral 7a+
Richar Line (2 ascensions) Chulilla Chorreras 7a
Periclonica (4 ascensions) Chulilla Pared blanca 7a
Daños colaterales (8 ascensions) Chulilla Oasis 7b+