Kalymnos | Arginonta valley

In Vino Veritas

Voie sportive


  • Kalymnos
  • Arginonta valley
  • 6b

Ascensions de In Vino Veritas

Plus de topos à Kalymnos

Lola (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Gerakios 6c+
Free style (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Arginonta 6a+
Le 13eme travail d'Hercules (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Spartakus 6b+
Elefantenhimmel L2 (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Grande grotta 7a
Globus (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Ghost Kitchen 6c+
Leane (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Telendos 6a+
Themelis (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Jurassic Park 6b
Baglamas (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Secret Garden 7a
Lulu in the sky (12 ascensions) Kalymnos Panorama 7b
Griffig goes to Kalymnos (6 ascensions) Kalymnos Griffig 6b