Kalymnos | Grande grotta


Voie sportive


  • Kalymnos
  • Grande grotta
  • 7a

Ascensions de Kalypige

Plus de topos à Kalymnos

bratsera (3 ascensions) Kalymnos secret garden 6c
Armata Sikati (12 ascensions) Kalymnos Sikati Cave 7b
Chlausezäuerli (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Griffin 6b
Nissos pita (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Secret garden 6b+
3 Ilots (7 ascensions) Kalymnos Eros 6c
The Craic (2 ascensions) Kalymnos The Ivory Tower 7b+
Kastor (7 ascensions) Kalymnos Arhi Troulos 7a
Iason (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Symplegades 6b+
The Call Of The Ktulu (4 ascensions) Kalymnos Panorama 7c
Adolflahaut (4 ascensions) Kalymnos Secret garden 7a+