Kalymnos | Iliada


Voie sportive


  • Kalymnos
  • Iliada
  • 5b

Ascensions de Thyme

Plus de topos à Kalymnos

Menelaos (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Iliada 6a
Lysistrati (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Arginonta 7a+
O’ Brothers (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Poets 6b+
Priapos (6 ascensions) Kalymnos Grande Grotta 7c
Aeolia extension (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Panorama 7a+
Globus (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Ghost Kitchen 6c+
The Underclings (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Arhi 6c+
Chuchichäschtlitripp (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Griffing 6b+
Lulu in the sky (12 ascensions) Kalymnos Panorama 7b
Orione (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Arhi (Right Wall) 6a