Kalymnos | Pezonda


Voie sportive


  • Kalymnos
  • Pezonda
  • 7b+

Ascensions de Valhalla

  • 25-08-2024

    7b+ À vue

  • La linea della falesia, bello strapiombone su prese buone e crux in uscita


    7b+ À vue

Plus de topos à Kalymnos

Radiohead (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Arginonta Valley 7a+
Rock tragos (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Arginonta Valley 6a
Pearl Jam.p (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Arginonta valley (rock n roll cave) 6c+
Laetyan (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Olympic wall 6c
Chuchichaschelgrip (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Griffin 6b+
Hour of ghost (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Ghost Kitchen 6a
Fossil Wall (7 ascensions) Kalymnos Jurassic Park 6c+
Adolf in the bay (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Iannis 6c+
Beatiful Helen (4 ascensions) Kalymnos Iliada 6a+
Joy in the garden (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Ghost Kitchen left wall 6a+