Kalymnos | Odissey

Why Not

Voie sportive


  • Kalymnos
  • Odissey
  • 6b+

Ascensions de Why Not

Plus de topos à Kalymnos

Tricky-tricky mana mou (4 ascensions) Kalymnos Arginonta Valley 6a+
We are the roadcrew (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Je t'aime 7a+
The fight of a woman (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Eros 6a+
Comandant marcos (7 ascensions) Kalymnos Panorama 7a
TNT (3 ascensions) Kalymnos Symplegades 6c
Kaly Nickta extention (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Kalydna 7b
The dentista terror (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Griffing 6c
Perfect Stranger (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Arhi 7a
Daphne (2 ascensions) Kalymnos Odyssey 7a+
Sickle (5 ascensions) Kalymnos Kalydna 7a+