Masriudoms | La Solana

Inhumano Al Forn De Pa

Voie sportive


  • Masriudoms
  • La Solana
  • 6c+

Ascensions de Inhumano Al Forn De Pa

  • Nice training day after being shut down from fog in Arbolí. Repeated the route 3 times, felt easier and easier. Good technique and pump-training.



Plus de topos à Masriudoms

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Domador de Amortiguadores L1 (3 ascensions) Masriudoms 7c
Gollum (2 ascensions) Masriudoms 7b+
Lo Foratoradot (3 ascensions) Masriudoms 7c+
Superform (2 ascensions) Masriudoms 7b+
Pinche Lupita (2 ascensions) Masriudoms 8a
Puta crisis reglatera (2 ascensions) Masriudoms 7b+
Corta y dura (3 ascensions) Masriudoms 7a
Buscando punto 6 (5 ascensions) Masriudoms 7b
La xorrera gran (2 ascensions) Masriudoms 7b+