Railay |

Jai Dum

Voie sportive


Ascensions de Jai Dum

  • I'm lovin' it! what a mission! wanted to do this one ONLY to try-out the fantastic new escalibur website! =) MUCH MUCH love on this line. 8 months of inactivity to recover from, a countdown of exactly 25 day to do it or fail it patetically... and all spiced up with the WORST condition a climber can encouter. LOVELLY! i loved it, i losted skin, swet and nails on it and miracolously i managed to send it somehow on the second last day. MIRACLE. dedicated to arnold swarzneger for ssyking me up with his autobiography: what a bestseller (not), and of course to legend Patrick Edlinger... =( i losted a girlfriend, but i got another 8b. totally worth it!


    8b 10+