Schievenin |

The Ghemmels

Voie sportive


Ascensions de The Ghemmels

Plus de topos à Schievenin

Broncopolmo (2 ascensions) Schievenin Placche Alte 6a
Geppetto (2 ascensions) Schievenin 13 4c
Belzebù (3 ascensions) Schievenin La castagna 6a
Fatti non parole (2 ascensions) Schievenin Zanzara rompi palle 6b
assorbenti stonfi (6 ascensions) Schievenin Flory 6c
Bepi e Pier (2 ascensions) Schievenin Colombane 7a
Ritmo (5 ascensions) Schievenin Torrione Quero 6a
Help (2 ascensions) Schievenin Torrione dell'orto 5b
Silvia (2 ascensions) Schievenin Il favo 6a+
La discussa (5 ascensions) Schievenin Bombi 6a