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The Ghemmels

Voie sportive


Ascensions de The Ghemmels

Plus de topos à Schievenin

La discussa (5 ascensions) Schievenin Bombi 6a
Festa fissa (5 ascensions) Schievenin Flory 6a
Notti di maggio (2 ascensions) Schievenin Placche Alte 5c
Durighello (3 ascensions) Schievenin Colombane 6a+
el buitre (3 ascensions) Schievenin Flory 6c+
assorbenti stonfi (6 ascensions) Schievenin Flory 6c
Hatu x Tu (2 ascensions) Schievenin Il favo 6b+
Via dei buchi (2 ascensions) Schievenin Sasso della grotta 6b
Filomena (3 ascensions) Schievenin Zanzara rompi palle 6a+
Le betoneghe (2 ascensions) Schievenin Colombane 7b