Sulfuria |

Sex Appeal

Voie sportive


Ascensions de Sex Appeal

Plus de topos à Sulfuria

Icecrown (18 ascensions) Sulfuria Centrale 7a
le massime di massimo (6 ascensions) Sulfuria 6c
Tovarisch zakuski (8 ascensions) Sulfuria 6b
l' aquila e la fenice (8 ascensions) Sulfuria 7c
Russian Roulette (19 ascensions) Sulfuria 7c
Specchi a spicchi (2 ascensions) Sulfuria settore centrale 7a
Welcome in to the big wall (3 ascensions) Sulfuria 7b
Excalibur (9 ascensions) Sulfuria 7c+
Ulduar (11 ascensions) Sulfuria Centrale 6c
Diapason (2 ascensions) Sulfuria 7b