Smith Rock |
7c+ 3º
Red River Gorge |
7c+ 4º
Yangshuo white mountain |
7c+ 2º
Cèüse cascade |
Chain Reaction |
(2 ascensions) | |
7b 2º
magic light |
(2 ascensions) |
Abbandoned line: nice moves on extremly chossy rock. could be a classic, but need more ascents.
originally graded 8a, on the upper part i brushed 3 shitty crimps creating 3 awesome crimps; not happy, i did the same with 2 foot-holds; once in the ground i was ready for pubblic lapidations, but instead the locals were just happy and ssyked for the new beta... this people have chipping deep in their the souls... power of the tooth-brush!